Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Our Lady

Originally uploaded by Orange Tangerine.
Here's a photo of "Our Lady of the Underpass," a water stain in a local viaduct. It's all over the local news—the faithful are standing guard and taking pictures of what they believe to be an image of the Virgin Mary. Mr. Tangerine and I have concluded that it's actually the Vagina Mary. What do you see?


Piece of Work said...

Definitely Vagina Mary!

Sergei C. said...

It looks like a rough schematic of a solid-fuel rocket booster. A Divine one, but a rocket nonetheless.

thenutfantastic said...

lol (yes I used it but I really mean it!)

I see both though Vagina Mary is definitely more prevelant. Like sergei, I also thought it was a rocket, bottle or just a stain on a wall....

Orange said...

Mr. Tangerine suggests that someone needs to pee on the sides there to broaden Mary's shoulders. JT, can you recommend anyone?

Anonymous said...

Vagina Mary, definately Vagina Mary. Or maybe the virgin Mary, albeit with a really long neck.

Unknown said...

i see PenisHeadVaginaMary.

or a new VaginaMary imposed on an older penis. which means...the vagina is now on top.