Saturday, October 15, 2005

Master plan progress report

According to a new Gallup poll, hardly anyone under the age of 30 is opposed to interracial dating. While less than half of the old farts over the age of 65 approve, 95% of the 18- to 29-year-olds do. Roughly half of the people surveyed have dated outside their own race. Go check out the stats in the article if you don't believe me.

Phase 1: Acceptance of interracial dating. Status: Nearly complete.

Phase 2: More interracial marriages. Status: Work in progress; pockets of resistance remain.

Phase 3: Creating a superrace of multiracial people*. Status: Hey, I did as much as I could. It's up to the rest of you now.

*'Cause everybody knows that mixed-race kids are, on average, at least 40% better-looking than their parents, not to mention they've got a greatly reduced risk of genetic diseases.


DoctorMama said...

Does goy and Jewish count anymore? Have I done anything to advance the cause?

Orange said...

Half credit. Your kid's risk of things like Tay-Sachs is cut way down, right?

thenutfantastic said...

Hey, I did my part in the interracial dating, marrying and having a biracial kid so I'm set.

Rob Helpy-Chalk said...

Let us now praise hybrid vigor!

Orange said...

Hybrid cars, hybrid people: Wave of the future!

T.A.N. said...

This is my kind of post. Holla!!!!

affirmative action for the assimilated negro ...

orange, you are the bomb.

and that's aside from your two weapons of mass destruction.

Bored Housewife said...

"everybody know that", eh??? I didn't, but it does makes sense. And I'm glad to know that acceptance is so high in our generation.

Agent 31 said...

Um... does it break down that acceptance thing by region? Cos my wife still gets a lot of really nasty looks from black women, and, on a few occasions, has gotten some nasty comments too.

Also, I'd like to know the percentage of dads that have accepted it. It always seems like dads have the real issues with the whole thing.

Outside of that, yes, my baby will be a superbaby. With lasers and shit.

Craig said...

What's up with the other 5% of 18-29 year olds? Sadly I know, or at least am aquainted with some of that 5%. I don't get the hang up.

Granted, this topic effects me much less than several other commenters, since my wife is just as remarkably pasty as I am.

Orange said...

Maine, I believe the stats showed that black women were the least likely to have dated outside their race. Add the shortage of available black men, and yeah, your wife's gonna get some dirty looks for stealing a choice specimen like you. (Sadly.) But soon, the baby will be born and y'all can fight back with the lasers.

As for the other 5% of young adults, what can I say? They're troglodytes. It's a dirty job, but somebody's gotta be wrong so the rest of us look smarter in comparison.

Delia Christina said...

bwah ha ha ha! yes! i have yet to sprout my hegemony killing lasers but my niece and nephew surely will! (let's hear it for the blasiatinos!)

our plan continues apace!

(seriously, we have less chance of genetic diseases??)